A dark cloud has covered Makerere Law Society and Makarere University at large with devastating news of the death of a 3rd Year student, Joanita Slyvia Nalule.
Joanita was highly praised as a dedicated Member of Law Society with utmost devotion. She aspired to be the Vice President of the Makerere Law Society in the recently concluded Makerere Law Society Elections.
According to Grace Waiswa Nsaawa,Makerere Law Society President, Joan left an honorable legacy at the School of Law.
“She worked hard, yet she battled illness all throughout her life with us. She was an active member of this Society. She was with us on Saturday at the Sports Gala, she cheered us all on”, President remarked.
According to her Mother, Joan died of Pneumonia. She suffered a shock that caused her pain in her chest, difficulty in her breathing which subsequently led to her death.
The Makerere Law Society has organized a gathering in Joan’s honour in the Lower Auditorium. By 8: 00 AM, most members of the Makerere Law Society, especially her classmates and friends had to come together, not only to share our grief for Joan’s death but also to celebrate the lovely times they shared with her over the past three years.
Joanita’s body shall be taken from the hospital to Old Martyrs Church Nateete Mackay C.O.U at 2:00pm where a Service shall be held in celebration of her life and dedication of her soul to the lord.
Joanita’s burial shall take place on Saturday at 2pm
May Joan’s Soul Rest in Peace.
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