Saasi Marvin
Looks like the days of Kyambogo University students taking pictures while posing infront of nearby secondary schools’ structures claiming they are at Kyambogo due to the horrible state of its own buildings are over. This, at the heels of a Whopping Ush.75b that a Government representative handed over to the institution during the 1st session of its 11 Graduation ceremony yesterday.
The money is meant to be used to renovate some of the campus structures that are in a shamelessly deplorable state as a result of which some students had taken to attending lectures by correspondence due to the fear that the lecture rooms, which look like they were built at the time Moses parted the Red Sea with a walking stick, may cave in on them any time during lectures.

Among a multitude of other problems the dimes is meant to solve includes re-stocking the various University libraries with books, as well as other learning aids to ensure that more students at the beleaguered institution pass with First Class Honours instead of pass degrees and outright failures as has been the norm for some students, many of whom claimed that they have over-stayed at the campus in a quest to get the pre-requisite experience at places of work yet in actual sense it is the academics which keeps giving them a technical K.O each year.
A student whose opinion this reporter sought for about the whole situation expressed hope that finally “the lavatories are going to look more like what they are supposed to be than traditional witchdoctors’ offices.” It is hoped that this money will save the University from its notorious reputation as a rural secondary school and earn it a sit on the same table with Makerere University, Harvard University, Oxford University and other recognised world-class institutions of higher learning.
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