The rains are upon us, they carry with them the peculiar attributes, colds, winds and floods. Poor structural planning returns to haunt students in Kikoni. Floods have been reported in most rentals in Kikoni, Makerere. This afternoon, the heavy downpour had its wrath fully felt by residents of Nalikka.
The heavy rains overwhelmed the capacity of the water tunnels supposed to regulate water flow through Nalikka hostel. This structural flow has resulted into the flooding of ground floor rooms at the hostel after the gushing water seeped through door spaces into rooms of residents. Nalikka Residents attribute the floods to hall mismanagement and sheer incompetence and failure to unblock the blockages in the water tunnels. Majority of the lower rooms are filled with dirty water. With the risk of electrocution.
Property worth millions has been lost, and some students are shocked by the misfortune that has befallen them. Carpets and matresses lay drenched. One of the pics projects, a tent turned upside down by the winds.
The lower rooms are apparently occupied by freshers who have the been introduced to the other side of university rain season. Kimera Edson, a third year student and Nalikka residnt asserts that, floods aren’t a foreign concept in Nalikka… he however adds that the magnitude of this afternoon’s flooding is out of this world. “We have had flood issues from my first year, thats why ground floor rooms are often left unfilled for they’re flood prone.” The hovering drone categorically affirms that it isn’t only Nalikka hostel affected, the entire Kikoni chronically suffers from the same floods sickness. “If rains continue falling as hard as they have, Kikoni residents might need boats.” interjected a rather naughty unidentified first year.
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