Olympia, the kikoni based magnificent hostel has suffered yet again another attack, not from rodents and not from the well fed mosquitoes but from f*ck boys (dudes that can’t settle with only one babe).

When a female student hears that a guy resides in Olympia, she is weakened by the magnificence of the words that she just gets her legs open because, let’s face it, Olympia is associated with having cool & loaded guys with very awesome gym pictures on their instagram. These guys have used this as an opportunity to try the f*ckboy path that has no return.
As other students in other hostels are fasting from any evil, and food, these dudes are feasting on the delicacies put on hold by other fellas.
A fuck boy alert was raised earlier by a few students in cell and prayer groups but even prayers can’t stop the fuck boy mentality at this hostel- everything just seems to escalate.
The very many desperate girls in Olympia and other surrounding hostels have suffered from this f*ckboy predicament. A guy dating a girl with her friends and f***s them all, is what happens on a daily basis.
We shall bring you a list of boys in Olympia all campus girls should stay away from.