Ian Mukungu, a 22-year-old a Ugandan student studying in Marist International University in Nairobi, pursuing social work and community development has been missing since Monday.
Ian was last heard from a week ago by his sister, Racheal Mukungu and on Saturday by his mum whom he told that he would be traveling from Nairobi to Uganda for a holiday with the family. He was expected to land in Uganda on Monday but upto now nobody has seen or heard from him and his phones are switched off.
Contacting the sister Racheal Mukungu, she said; “Ian usually travels alone, this is unexpected of him. We are worried because we are not sure if he is fine or not.”
A few week ago, Desire Mirembe, a first year MAK student went missing for three days and was later found raped and murdered in Jinja.
Anyone with details about his whereabouts please contact his sister Rachel mukungu on+447456609269 or his mother on 0776969145
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