Winnie Wole Juan left her home in Kayunga on Monday headed to Kampala. She bid farewell to her father, who says, the daughter promised to return that evening. She, however, did not tell the father where exactly she was headed to and on what agenda. When he (the father) tried calling her the next day (after she never returned that evening), her calls went answered and soon after, her phones were switched off.
Wole, who is a student at Uganda Christian University pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Engineering has now taken eight days without showing face at home. Her family members are puzzled and at the same time anxious, hoping that any minute Wole will finally set foot back home, in Kayunga.
There’s a frightening trend of university students, especially girls, going missing, only to be found in peculiar locations raped and murdered. The recent case being that of Desire Mirembe who was raped in Jinja and body dumped in a sugar plantation in Kawolo.
Let’s help find Wole…share this and in case you have a clue of her whereabouts, kindly call; 0706070879….#WeAreOne.
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