The atmosphere around Makerere is tense, politically. Banners are all over the place, walls are littered with countless posters and tiny stickers promising heaven. Another trait rising is the employment of “fans” who move around with a particular candidate canvassing support through wild chants, slogans and praises.
These fans look anything else but students,… they have a rather suspicious look about them that seems to scream “intoxication. ”
Along the political activism, a wave of gang attacks has paid an unwanted visit in Makerere. Gangs of armed vagabonds and vicious rogues are targeting students under the cover of darkness and beating them before robbing them. On Saturday evening at around 10pm, Andrew (Mukiga ) a finalist mechanical engineering student was waylaid by 5 felons, the robbers attacked him around CEDAT, a rather isolated and insecure place, they clobbered him with a wine bottle, he fell on a piece of stone and bled profusely.
He said “One of them told the gang members to let me be lest they might kill me.” “They took my Nokia phone, and some money out of my pockets, then took off,” He added. He was taken to a private clinic and stitched up. He’s in a stable condition, recovering at Livingston hall.
Rocco SSentimba, a resident of Livingston hall and the outgoing Interior minister was also attacked by three men, between Africa Hall and the abandoned tennis court in a rather unlit and dark area. While narrating, he said, “I realized three men in front of me out from nowhere, I picked a rock hurled it at them and used the opportunity to run to safety.”
This is a bit strange that criminal groups would decide to make students victims of their targets. The police patrol should be more vigilant, life and property are priorities that shouldn’t be taken lightly.
In light of the same, banners are miraculously disappearing from walls and trees where they are hung .The Mwine Musa FDC camp reported missing banners which must have been maliciously stolen by political opponents. We can only hope that the political rivalry doesn’t lead to any deaths. Namulindwa Stella, an aspirant, blamed the insecurity on the laxity of the security committee. She added she would make security a priority when entrusted with power.