In a remarkable and prestigious moment during the 25th Graduation Ceremony at Nkumba University, the Minister of Works and Transport, Hon. Gen. K. Katumba Wamala, was awarded an honorary doctorate degree. The ceremony, which took place on October 26th at the university’s scenic campus in Entebbe, witnessed the conferment of the Doctor of Letters upon the distinguished minister.
Hon. Gen. Wamala was presented to the Chancellor of Nkumba University, where the prestigious Doctor of Letters was conferred upon him. The Doctor of Letters, or Litt.D., is an academic degree reserved for individuals who have made outstanding contributions to their field of expertise or society at large.
By accepting the honorary doctorate from Nkumba University, Hon. Gen. K. Katumba Wamala now enjoys all the honors and privileges typically granted to a graduate of the institution. He is also authorized to use the title “Dr” before his name, recognizing his significant contributions and achievements that have earned him this prestigious distinction.
Hon. Gen. K. Katumba Wamala’s journey to this distinguished moment has been marked by a long and illustrious career in public service. His service to the nation in various capacities, including as a high-ranking military officer and his current role as the Minister of Works and Transport, reflects a commitment to the betterment of Uganda.
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