Vendors and bar owners have been suffering from a rather brief drought of customers after most University students of Makerere and MUBS were home for holidays. One bar owner said that his hangout had a few revellers and particularly fewer females since most campus girls that attract men to the bar were home.

Following the opening of Makerere University and MUBS over the weekend of 30th January, sales of items like alcohol and condoms are on the rise. This is because the biggest consumers are back in town. One student identified as ‘Stella’ said she had to buy more condoms because she had so many restrictions during the holiday. She also added that one of her ‘boy friends’ is on a drinking rampage since his friends are back at campus and the wallets are still fat.
A survey by our reporters showed that popular campus hangouts like Legends, Panamera, Casablanca, Gabiro have got a rise in the number of revellers compared to the time during holidays. There are predicted levels of inflation in hangouts for the coming weeks as more students report for the semester and indulge in more recreational activities before the semester becomes serious.
Shop attendants around Nakawa, Wandegeya, and Kikoni areas are seen to stock more brands of alcohol like kitoko and condoms since students are finishing them at a terrific rate. A vendor locally known as ‘Muchiga’ told CampusBee that “abana tikakuzana eji semista, nibenda kwelya” which literally translates as ‘students are not joking this semester, they want to ‘eat’ each other.’
Well, it’s not new for campusers to have extreme fun but we urge them to keep it safe….and buying and using more condoms is a good move.