MBALE: Showbiz is on the rise at the Islamic University in Uganda [IUIU]. A one Ahmad Bashir, a third year student at IUIU paralyzed studies at the Mbale based campus this week paralyzed studies at IUIU when he showed up with his newly purchased Hoverboard also known as Segway for lectures. A hoverboard (or segway) is a levitating board used for personal transportation. They resemble a skateboard without wheels.

The IT student rides around the campus with his hoverboard leaving most IUIU Students begging to try to step and balance on it or at least take a selfie with him. We are told Bashir now attracts hot muslim girls at the campus more than a magnet.
According to our sources in Mbale, Ahmad is also a member of Rich Kids of Wanale Hills [The Mbale version of Rich Kids of Beverly Hills].

He allegedly purchased it for $600, shipping costs inclusive. These hoverboards are pretty simple to use: You lean forward to go forward, lean backward to go in reverse, place a bit more pressure with your right foot to turn right, and place a bit more pressure with your left foot to turn left.
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