By Bee Snoop
Campusbee is back. This time expect exclusive stories on what is happening around your campus. The latest hitting our Whatsapp is a group of Kikoni cuties who are apparently virgins have opened up a Whatsapp group dubbed “Virginity for life”. The group admin is called Jemmy Chase a student at Makerere University. Apparently the group is flooded with campus girls who have miraculously managed to keep their “hybrid Eclipse” intact. A word with the admin couldn’t be got since she took this writer for a snoop (wish is quite obvious). The group discussions rotate around how one can maintain their virginity for life, how to ice guys on campus and which guy tried to hit on who that day. The discussions in this group really show how shallow these girls are in terms of sex since they all go like ‘eeeewwwww’ whenever a pic of a half-naked guy is posted in the group. The group consists of 20 girls and 2 boys, this writer inclusive. How we got into the group, no freaking idea!

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