As earlier on mentioned in an article dated 4/12/2018, students of Gulu University were told to go back home after suspension of the end of semester one examinations. This came in as a result of a demonstration by students who protested against the University’s failure to give them examinations despite the fact that many of them had suffered tooth and nail to secure their tuition. The Vice chancellor then, Prof Pen-Mogi issued a document saying students would soon be called back to sit these examinations.
During the course of the Christmas holiday, a document was issued giving headlines of what had transpired during one of the management meetings held at the main campus. The information was circulated across most social media platforms by the Guild Prime Minister, Rt. Hon. Ssentongo.M. Saadick informing students that the once post- poned examinations would be issued on 22nd January 2018.

For the past week, many students have been seen moving back to Gulu to prepare for the slated examinations although it was still not confirmed because of failure of the management to pay the academic staff their allowances and workload fee.
However, despite all this, students were sent into shock mode yesterday after the Prime Minister still passed messages saying examinations have been pushed until further notice. This decision was made in a management meeting held yesterday after the teaching staff maintained their stand of not giving examinations till they are paid all the money that the university owes them.
Many students are sobbing since they had already spent a lot on transport as well as hostel maintenance and to make it worse the hope that examinations are to be given any time soon is close to none. For more of this, keep it Campus Bee.
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