The Faculty of Medicine in partnership with the Refugee Law Project, organized a two-day training from the13th -14th October 2018 at Gulu University.
This was under the theme; “Clinical Management of War Related Injuries, Refugee Rights, and Protection”. Over 85 medical students, mostly the year 5 students were the beneficiaries of the memorable educational program. Among the key speakers was the renown senior pathologist Dr. Sylvester Onzivua.
“Where there is no law, there is no crime committed,” said Dr. Onzivua.
He added that the Ugandan law has a lot of loopholes which affect Justice delivery to rape survivors and the Ugandan law is still demanding especially when it comes to rape against boys.
“You cannot cry louder than the grieved,” he replied to Medical student who asked if Doctors should actually be reporting all cases.
He added that much as doctors can report, if the aggrieved is not interested, the case won’t continue.
“A doctor without medical ethics is like a muyaye with medical knowledge,” submitted Dr. Onzivua.
He emphasized that ethics make the biggest component professionalism in medicine and also builds that trust between patients and doctors.
Students were asked to stand for the truth and stick to the truth in court as expert witnesses.
“Lawyers will dig your dirt and grill you while under oath but the truth will save you,” Dr. Onzivua said.
He further cautioned the future doctors against delayed examinations of victims and picking money before filling police forms because it is the responsibility of doctors to help these victims to get justice.
Other areas of training included transitional justice, mental health in refugees, rights and duties of refugees,legal framework and protection of refugees/asylum seekers,torture, gender and sexual violence victims.