A Facebook account under the names of Esther Nambalirwa on Wednesday evening posted on her page screenshots of e-mail conversations with Dr Nicholas Itaaga. It was more of a love-turned-sour sort of story. The ‘student’ also claimed that the lecturer infected her with HIV and later dumped her.
Campusbee, to be fair and balanced, contacted the lecturer, to get his side of the story. He said: ““It is very wrong, there is no truth to that propaganda at all. People are just trying to tarnish my image. They are trying to fight my promotion as Head of Department, Foundations and Curriculum Studies, School of Education, College of Education and External Studies. I am not infected in the first place. I can offer my blood to anyone to test from anywhere.”
When asked if he knows this student, Dr. Itaaga did not reply. The student in question (call her the ‘victim’), through her friends contacted this website informing us that she is not on Facebook and that it is a pseudo account being used under her names to tarnish both her reputation and that of the lecturer. “I have never been to FEMA, I am not on Facebook, someone else used my names to tarnish my reputation and that of the lecturer in question. I have never dated him (I don’t date men as old as my father) and I am not infected with HIV,” the hurt student, through her friends cleared the air.
We would like to condemn the perpetrators who used this student’s names to formulate a pseudo Facebook account to defame both Nambalirwa and Dr. Itaaga. Such cyber crimes should not be taken lightly. Campusbee is committed to being fair, objective and transparent in its reporting.