ISBAT University has topped the class by winning the 2nd East Africa brand quality awards seal of excellence 2022-2023 edition in the East Africa Brand Quality Awards.
According to the judging panel and the voting fraternity, ISBAT won two (2) Prestigious Seals of Quality Excellence Award in Educational category with ISBAT Brand as Platinum winners with 49.64% and 89.3 % votes from the public.

ISBAT University received the Quality Excellence Award for the Best Private Technology University in East Africa and Quality Excellence Award for the Best ICT Engineering and Business Solution University in East Africa.
The Nomination and Voting process constituted 70% and Judges 30% of the score marks. The Judges were considering: Economic sustainability, operational effectiveness and technology adoption, progressive leadership and culture, social and Community contribution.
Competitors in the race included; Strathmore University (25.66%), Multimedia University College (12.7%), Rwanda’s School of Finance and Banking (6.5%) and University of Dar es Salaam Tanzania (5.5%).
The judges explained ISBAT’s victory basing on the following;
- They have certifications and adhered to Standards of Quality.
- Being the best Technology University, quality innovative skills are acquired by students. -Their senior management team is committed to Quality education. Their transformational leadership as a significant knowledge management capacities and organizational learning.
- They provide hands-on skill courses tailored to meet the market demand of professionals.
- The first university to embrace online studies to Students before and during Covid pandemics and this made many succeed with their careers.
- They have contributed to Community empowerment and changed people’s livelihood.
- Its a multicultural university thus all Nations are welcome
- They have the best client-communication skills. Stories from Students, Graduates and staff give a potential outlook for the best services and products they have provided.
- They provided seasonal and occasional unique offers especially students and others. – Have the best state of art technology that is more effective, more efficient and more comfortable.
- Have a knowledgeable and helpful staff members who are also committed to quality.
The East Africa Brand Quality Awards (EABQA) has been instituted by Brand impact in partnership with The Chartered Quality Institute and Alconext to encourage Quality improvements in both manufacturing as well as service sectors in East Africa.
EABQA may be bestowed upon Public and private undertakings, sectors and industries, service and commerce organizations, Government and Semi – Government departments, Trade and professional associations.
Furthermore, the University was recognized at the 10th Visionaries of Uganda Awards as the Best Visionary Blended Teaching International University of the Year by the people of the republic of Uganda for the outstanding contribution towards Uganda middle Income status Aspiration and Vision 2040.
This was on 24th November, 2022 from The Government of The Republic of Uganda.

The 10th Visionaries of Uganda Awards aim at;
- Profiling organizations who are sustainably improving the lives of Ugandans to a prosperous, creative middle income country.
- Promoting Uganda Vision 2040.
- Recognizing and celebrating the pacesetters/Visionaries of Uganda. d) Promoting patriotism, enhancing national identity and ideological orientation among Ugandans.
- Preserving and documenting the memories and achievements of outstanding personalities and organizations.
On this note, the people of Uganda in Partnership with Visionaries Advisory Board Nominated ISBAT University for training competent professionals with Information Communication Technology skills and providing high quality and affordable university education in Uganda.
ISBAT University was requested to provide a profile highlighting key courses, services, impact and achievements which will be published in The Visionaries of Uganda Handbook 2022-2023.
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