The Nursing Department of Kampala International University (KIU) – Western Campus has won the International Team Award in the 2020 All-Pro Nursing Team Awards, which is awarded by the American Nurse Journal.
The win was communicated to the University through an e-mail from Julie Cullen, the Managing Editor of the American Nurse Journal, who praised the team for the great work they are doing.
Participating teams were required to write an essay whose theme was “Honoring your Nursing Team” and KIU-Teaching Hospital Nursing Department’s essay was chosen as the best.
The essay described the Nursing team at the hospital, its duties, work plan, implementation of the work plan and how they create an all-inclusive atmosphere for nurses to excel in the execution of their day-to-day duties.
Sr. Elizabeth Kamahoro, the Principal Nursing Officer, compiled the essay and all thanks to her efforts, the Nursing Department of this Institution of higher learning will receive a one-year free digital subscription to American Nurse Journal, which will be featured in the April Issue of the Journal and will also receive a plaque acknowledging their win.
Earlier last month, KIU was ranked as the best Private University with Standardized medical and other science-course practice beating UCU and International University of East Africa.