The graduation season is upon us and with that at hand, Kampala International University – main campus has joined a number of other institutions to set the ball rolling for graduation which is set to take place on Saturday 27th June 2023.
Marking the 27th congregation, prospective graduands are reminded to clear by 8th June 2023 for inclusion on the final graduation list.
“Students that will not have paid their graduation fee and any other outstanding balances (if any) by 1st June 2023 will not appear on the Graduation lists on the website or on the notice board,” reads a notice from the office of the academic registrar at KIU.
Clearance Procedure
Prospective Graduands are encouraged to clear digitally via by requesting for new logins or using their old credentials which include the KIU email address.
Once logged in, the students can be able to submit their complete financial logs and explore different clearance points like library, completion of course units and confirmation of results.