With most public universities wounding up the finalists’ graduation roadmaps, Kyambogo University seems to be different in it’s operations. It’s now six months ever since final year students of the academic year 2019/2020 completed exams and awaiting graduation.
Cognizant of the fact that the date for the 17th graduation ceremony hadn’t fixed by January 2021 because not all final year students had carried out internship, college and school practice (ITCSP), it’s now three months ever since all programs concluded their ITCSP.
“The admin has not yet given a roadmap despite students finalizing in December last year. It is four months now. Some courses do not yet even have all marks on their portals like the Faculty of Arts and social sciences. Some students in Arts and social sciences only have results of one course unit”, a disappointed student remarked.
However, the graduation road map remains unclear. This has not only left the Students stranded about the certainty on completion of their studies but also has blocked a gateway to job placements/volunteering opportunities and academic upgrade.
“On the 10th day of this month (May), I addressed this matter to the first deputy Vice Chancellor of Kyambogo University seeking for a road map of the 17th graduation ceremony. Awaiting response from the responsible authorities”, Guild President Mbaziira John noted in his letter.

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