Few hours after the Kyambogo University non-teaching staff called off their 21-day strike, the University’s Vice Chancellor Prof Eli Katunguka yesterday revealed that the new fresh men and women will kick off their first year this Saturday, August 5th, 2017.
Katunguka also added that the continuing students will begin August 12th a statement that dismisses rumors that Kyambogo will remain closed following a sit-down strike by its non-teaching staff. News came in yesterday that the non-teaching staff was in talks with Ministry of Public service about sorting out their salary problems come the next academic year 2018/2019.
According to Prof Katunguka, Kyambogo is expecting over 10,000 freshers this intake who are expected to start reporting for studies this weekend. Kyambogo University becomes the first to sort out differences with the non-teaching staff regarding salary increment in comparison with the other 11 public Universities that are still striking Makerere University inclusive.
Katunguka also commented on the conmen’s presence around the University premises who are eagerly waiting to take advantage of the naive first-year students commonly referred as freshers. With the current steady administration, Katunguka promised a better University as time goes on.