The Kyambogo Guild Speaker, Kidega Brian, together with another guild minister Monerach Polycap, have started a social media move to make sure that residents and visitors in Gulu city do not put on slippers in public in a move aimed at educating the public about the dressing code in a city.
According to a post on his Facebook timeline, posted in his Acholi language, Kidega calls on the Gulu residents to respect the city status that has been granted to them by not wearing slippers in public.
He elaborates in some comments that, slippers are worn in bathrooms and not the public as it is has been the norm in Gulu town which has now been elevated to a city.
Gulu is among the seven municipalities that were elevated to city status on July 1st this year. So many people were joyous upon achieving the tremendous milestone that has taken months and years of preparing. The other municipalities that were elevated together with Gulu to city status are Fort Portal, Masaka, Mbarara, Mbale, Jinja and Arua.
With a hashtag #SlippersOutofGuluCityCenter, going down in comments, the guild speaker has not received a good feedback from his friends who openly trashed his idea. One comment brought to his attention that the city status and slippers was not all about impression when the people need to feed their families.
“Please Mr poster. We have a family to feed not a community to impress.” Read one post. This however turned into a heated argument as each side tried to prove the audacity of their thoughts.
Kidega Brian has served as a guild speaker in the Kyambogo University 16th guild leadership. He got fed to the limelight during the Guild President Tundulu’s impeachment where allegations pinned him to have connived with particular individuals to impeach the guild president. Tundulu was however able to regain his office after a reconciliation with the Guild Representatives house.
He is back with a move to see slippers kicked out of Gulu city. Is it right to wear slippers in public? What is your thought?