As its vision goes, Kyambogo university is steadily growing to be a centre of Academic and professional excellence. This has been proven in its expansion and growth all around; Kyambogo University focuses on five (5) pillar areas; Teaching and Learning, Research, Innovation and Knowledge Generation, Physical infrastructure, Facilities and ICT Development, Institutional Development, Strategic Marketing.
Kyambogo University Faculty of Special Needs and Rehabilitation launched the first-ever Ugandan Sign Language (UgSL) storybook, Anna goes to School (Sam Lutalo-Kiingi &Goedele A.M. De Clerck, 2017 and a Sign Languages Dictionary (Signs languages of the World). This is the first book in a new series titled ‘A Deaf Child’s First Reader’, which aims at supporting deaf children in their education and reading development in Uganda and Sub-Saharan Africa.

The Department of Chemistry in conjunction with Indian Trade and Investment for Africa (SITA) held Global Leather training on 22nd November 2017 at Kyambogo University. The training was intended to empower Kyambogo University staff with leather technology principles with key interest in;
- global leather industry and importance to Africa;
- Processes and controls from preservation to finishing
- Quality parameters during leather processing
- Leather testing requirements and processes
- International markets and market requirements for different stages of leather sales
- Restricted substances in the leather processing;
- Environmental controls in Leather processing

The International relations and collaborations at Kyambogo University make it more unique and popular. This is evidenced by occasional students who come for exchange programs. This exchange program comes from a long-standing relationship between Kyambogo University and other universities in different disciplines.
The University strives to promote and enhance research across the whole University. Members of staff are continuously being encouraged and supported to attend and participate in national and international conferences. A total of 54 members staff have benefited from Makerere-Sweden Bilateral Research Programme (2015-2020) under Postdoc, Ph.D and masters. In the same way, 8 members of staff have been supported under PhD by African Development Bank and 58 members of staff have equally benefitted from Norwegian government scholarships under PhDs and Masters programmes. These beneficiaries are continuing with their courses and research work at different levels.

Looking at the amazing infrastructure, the new structures which have been built give a conducive atmosphere to students to concentrate during lectures and during private study.
Prof. Elly Katunguka has no doubt that the modern facilities will improve sanitation around the university. “This is a mile stone for Kyambogo University. The university has been operating in dilapidated structures.” Prof Katunguka stated during the launch.

The four new structures were constructed by Ambitious Construction Company with funding from African Development Bank (AfDB) to a tune of $25m (abut shs.87b). They include Central Virtual library, Technical Teacher Education complex, Multi-purpose science complex and Central teaching facility
By Jennifer Sibbo Rukundo-Public relations officer Kyambogo University
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