Kyambogo University Students Guild led by H.E John Mbazira is in a joyous mood after grabbing attention from the University Council regarding the amendment of the financial manual.
Among the points discussed by the council, minute six under resolutions made at the 90th meeting of Kyambogo University council held on 15th October 2021, the council;
“Considered the petition from the Guild President on the proposed amendments of the revised Kyambogo University Financial Management Manual. In accordance with Rule 5.9 of Kyambogo University Council Charter 2016, the petition was allocated to the Finance and Planning committee for discussion and appropriate recommendation to Council,” the minute reads.

According to the students petition, it was reasonably certain that some reviews in some sections of the Kyambogo University Financial manual are unfavorable to the students and the growth of the University.
To this end therefore, Students’ comments were received which prompted the relevant authorities to petition to the Chairperson University Council.
Here’s how the Guild reacted through the Information Ministry to the council’s consideration;
“After tabling of the petition before the Council, and then considering it, it was further allocated to the Finance and planning committee of the Council for discussion.”
Sooner or later, we expect the report of the Committee to the Council for appropriate action. We continue to hope that the revised Kyambogo University Financial manual shall be amended in accordance with the students’ views in the survey for amending the same,” the Information Minister quoted.
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