The atmosphere around the Mubs dining hall is one you can compare to the high school lunch time scuffle, where students used to mob the D.H like starved dogs. This is due to the new dining hall food system where every food type is only a kido (500 shillings). Mak has kikumikikumi, Mubs has got kido-kido. So meaning someone can actually get to comfortably eat food for as low as 2k or even 1k for those whose pockets could only afford a rolex. Many mubscampusers have confessed that this has made life so easy and better and one nolonger has to survive on junk. Students went on to admit that this will help increase lecture attendance as many students will be forced to come to school for cheap food. The only delicacy that has still stayed for a few is chicken, though at 1500 it is also affordable and insanely fair.

But as they say, one man’s meat is another man’s poison. As the dining hall swams with people every lunch time and the new guild regime boast at their achievement, the restaurants in the campus have been left staring at their empty seats in dismay. The famous Hajjat’s restaurant that used crowd with students is now destitute with only a handful of people, and as the situation stands some restaurants might close by the end of the sem, as one student put it.
The question that lingers on the students’ minds right now is, will the food quality be maintained through thesem? However on this the, guild president has assured that the quality will not decline in anyway but will actually get better and better.
Mubs has so far been one of the most expensive universities in Uganda in all aspects ranging from accommodation to feeding. Food in normal restaurants goes for about 3k a plate up to around 6k. With the cheap food in the dining hall therefore students have found a new solace in these hard times where the drought has not only scorched the earth but has dried the pockets as well.
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