Makerere University have over 10 colleges with the College of Education and External Studies (CEES) having the biggest number of students.
Most colleges except that of Education and External Studies have their own means that aid in the transportation activities within or outside the University.
Over the years this has been a challenge to the College of Education when it comes to carrying out it’s Education activities. When it was to do something that requires transportation an amount had to be incured in order to hire buses from other colleges and private companies.
This year students together with their leaders from the above mentioned college are spear heading the campaign to procure the first college bus.
In an interview with one of the local TV stations, Edson Kakuru a student of Bachelors of Education expressed his disatifaction with the fact that their college is the one with the biggest students population at the university but when it comes to transport issues they are left behind yet other colleges have been considered .
“We face a lot of challenges especially when we are going for field works, students pay high tuition and they are always dissapointed when they have also to pay for the transport fees. We are the college with the biggest population within the University. We have decided to come up to look for support from all stakeholders to procure our own college bus.” Edson explained.
“I call upon all the alumni, politicians, well wishers and concerned citizens to join hands as we seek to achieve this goal to procure the first bus for the school of Education in the 97 years they have existed.” Mukisa Joshua William, a guild aspirant added.