Organized by Kabaale Allan, Minister for Students with Disabilities, Makerere University, the Disabled Students Association (MUDISA) held its fundraising and handover at St Francis students center last week.
The sole reason was to join hands to offer materials to students with disabilities. Equipment are expensive, say a braille machine is shs1.8M so it really gets hard for these students to cater for both these equipment and tuition. The private students are are ones who are majorly affected as compared to the government sponsored students who don’t fend for themselves.
The event was graced by Hon Safia Nalule, Woman MP representing People With Disabilities (PWDs), Prof Barnabas Nawangwe, Deputy Vice Chancellor, Makerere University, and Hon Nokrach William Willson, PWDs representative Northern.
“Institutions should originate budgets which are disability sensitive since they are protected by law, our work as members of Parliament is to defend such budgets” Hon Safia Nalule National Woman MP representing the PWDs. Accodring to Hon Nalule, the finance management act article 9 requires accounting officers who originate budgets to ensure that they are gender and equity sensitive where by PWD issues fall under the equity circle.
During the fundraising, the Guest of Honour, Prof Barnabas Nawangwe deputy vice chancellor MAK donated shs1m. Hon Bumali Mpindi KCCA PWD councillor pledged clutches whereas Hon Nokrach PWD representative Northern region pledged hearing equipment.
Kajira Isa aka Jan Lion, a visually impaired student rocked the crowd with his live music. After his performance, he speaks to me with lots of command. He says music is his passion and his inability to see has nothing to do with his delivery.
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