Police are one of the most unloved workers in our banana republic, regardless of the fact that they do something seemingly similar to protecting and serving. It appears as though, the image of police officers might change, in the near future, we could have an impressive police force, clad in tight skirts and fitting shirts in addition to skinny pants for police uniform trousers. This is with the feared intrusion of the police force by University graduates from Makerere, Kyambogo and Nkumba who are vying for cadet positions in the force.

This morning on Kibuli hill overlooking Kampala, following calls for recruitment into the police force, University graduates from Muk, Nkumba and Kyambogo took on the call and reported to Kibuli in droves for a chance to join the police force, talk of taking the bull by the horns amidst the storm of unemployment.
The rather desperate looking graduates calmly registered and underwent vigorous “chaka mu chaka”, it’s said that MUK students rather enjoyed the body stretching muchaka muchaka routine, simply because of being ardent participants in running battles during strikes and engaging in the infamous NAKED MILE which gave them a physical advantage over their KYU and Nkumba who were seen panting like tired Cocks after a cock fight and struggling for breath. Unidentified graduates were overheard whispering, planning on faking fainting to avoid the tough drills.
Kyambogo and Nkumba university graduates seemed to be overwhelmed by by years of alcohol, and fornication. Two acts known for drastically affecting physical abilities.
The police trainers seemed un-bothered not with the youthful flesh at their disposal .Desire was evident in their eyes. The Chaka mu Chaka drills included press ups which the boys properly executed because of obvious reasons and constant bed practice. The more difficult drills surely shook the kikomando and rolex filled bodies.

On a positive note, the police force would be glad to recruit professional staff into their ranks. It thus won’t be long before, you are stopped for Kawunyemu by your former course-mates. We can only hope they don’t infiltrate the police force with sexually transmitted promotion. A few graduates asked said, they’d always admired the noble police force and added it had always been their lifelong dream to serve the nation. How true this is, our guess is as good as yours!
Photos by LAMA
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