On Wednesday this week, Makerere University Law School held elections to vote particularly, the President, Vice President, and Speaker of the Makerere Law Society (MLS).
A day or so earlier, violence had ensued during the Presidential debates organized by Makerere Debating Union (MDU). This rather unfortunate turn of events precipitated an aura of tension around the elections.
Against that background, elections were held on Wednesday and all was well until vote counting started. A group of students violently and rather wantonly, snatched the tally charts and ran away with them. This crystalized the already tense election into violence, both verbal and physical, each camp accusing the other of ballot stuffing and rigging.
In a letter written by Mr. Benson Mayanja, the current MLS speaker, to communicate the cancellation, he noted that the unfortunate events surrounding Wednesday’s election inhibited the actual counting of votes and the announcement of any results.
That this sadly, impeded the exercise of the Electoral Commission’s duty under Article 18 of the MLS Constitution to deliver a free and fair election; that is also seen to be free and fair.
Finally, that the Office of the Speaker was accordingly imbued under Article 45(1) h of the MLS Constitution to declare the Election process nullified.
He ultimately implored the agents of the MLS candidates to send documented reports to the Office of the MLS Speaker as the first step towards preparing for a freer and fairer election in the near future. No date has however been declared for a re-election.

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