As earlier reported, the Makerere University School of Law had held elections on Thursday November 9, 2021. The process had been running smoothly until vote counting started. A group of students had then violently and rather wantonly snatched the tally charts and ran away with them. This had worsened the already tense election into violence, both verbal and physical, each camp accusing the other of ballot stuffing and rigging.
Eventually, in a letter written by Mr. Benson Mayanja, the outgoing MLS speaker, to communicate the cancellation, he had noted that the regrettable events surrounding the election had inhibited the actual counting of votes and the announcement of any results and that the election had to accordingly, be cancelled.
On Friday December 17, 2021, following a meeting by the Principal of the School of Law, the candidates and a newly appointed Electoral Commission headed by Davis Karashani (LLB IV), a fresh election was held at the School of Law amidst heavy police deployment. This was coupled with stringent voter verification to the point that every voter had to present a photocopy of their student I.D and the original. The election has been lauded as free and fair. The results were as follows

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