Cries of sorrow and anguish engrossed Makerere University and its neighbouring areas when third year student of psychology, Piloya Juliet was found dead in her room last evening under unclear circumstances.
This was after her suspicious neighbors suspected un-usual behavior around her room. Neighbors say they became worried that Piloya hadn’t stepped outside her room nearly for the whole day and her room was unusually silent even after continuously knocking at her door. This prompted them to force their way into her room where they found her lying dead on her bed in the evening hours of Wendesday. Snared in fear, the students called the police who came and took the deceased’s body away.
An acquaintance to Piloya narrated that the deceased seemed fine the previous day though.
Piloya Juliet was staying at Butebo Hostel located near City Comfort Hotel
located in Kikumi Kikumi a suburb near Makerere university.
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