Michael Walimbwa, a Makerere University lecturer of the college of Education and External Studies, has been ordered to either overturn retakes he issued to 55 students or “just wait for what happens to your family,” The Observer reports.
In an anonymous letter dated October 19, the authors want Walimbwa to pass students who scored between 45 per cent and 49 per cent in the last academic year.

Failure to attain the 50 per cent pass mark means the students will not be part of the University’s 65th graduation, slated to take place early 2015.
The chairperson of Makerere University Academic Staff Association, Dr Muhammad Kiggundu, says the threats were real.
“A number of our students own guns and this is something we are concerned about,” he said, adding that Walimbwa was not the first to receive such threats.
Kiggundu said a meeting involving heads of department, school deans and the college leadership would be held to discuss the threats.
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