The Bwowe government has seen hard times but somehow, it’s been successful in snaking its way through storms, from fighting the tuition increase for the incoming students, now freshers, to the bloody 150% graduation fee increase. Indeed Bwowe is the prince of strikes and that’s commendable… However he should fire his entertainment advisory council.
The Face of MUK is a brain child of the current guild. It’s supposed to discover talent according to its slogan “it’s in you.”…what we don’t understand is, is it failed success or successful failure that’s in them? It got off to a poor start, but we hope when it grows next semester all will be well.
The event was hosted at the beautiful University Guest House gardens, the event that was meant to start at 7pm kicked off at 9pm. With a “countable pair of balls…” Yes one could have thought it was a gay brigade, a gay party owing to the absence of babes. There were the rowdy bunch of Lumumbists and some few “babes” who from the look of things were high on some holy plant, adored in Jamaica.
The event was a flop from the word go, very few ladies, very limited sober dudes and a two crates of that reddish fanta berry. Well there were some bottles of water too. The system hired was some mini public address system. The few guys were the Lumumba ruffians, vulgar in behavior and speak…forget the English vulgarity, it’s concentrated “Luganda ” vulgarity they have after years of practice, mastered.
The mighty Vampino graced the event, he’s lost weight and this has to do with his dying music career. On the lighter side, Bwowe Ivan has gained immense weight, he dances like a rich African chief only that he’s still modest…
Bwowe on being asked about the talent he’s got, he said he’s a “swimmer”, what kind of swimming we can’t tell. But sadly, he can’t dance. He showcased his talent, the morale boosting madness of weweeeee, for which he had been expelled for.
The organisers blamed the low turn up on the rain and the exam fever sweeping all over the campus. Well that’s true of the bad workman blaming his tools…Bwowe okikola otya,… .
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