You could be wondering what a leap day is. This is a day celebrated by everyone born on 29th February. The people born on this day are known as leapers, leapings or you could as well call them leap babies. Unlike any other people who get to celebrate their birthdays every year, leapings have to wait for four years to have such a memorable celebration in life.
It is due to this reason that the University decided to organise a special birthday celebration of these babies officiated by the Vice chancellor Mr. Celestino Obua at Agip Motel in the heart of Mbarara district.
“You are not just ordinary students, you are in an extraordinary class which needs an extraordinary birthday ceremony and as MUST we opted to set the standard maybe other institutions could take up”, said Mr Obua as he wished the students and one of the university staff a splendid birthday celebration.
Among those who celebrate this special day is the university legal advisor and the people power guild presidential aspirant Mr. Bwengye John Johnes. When asked how many birthdays they’ve celebrated in life, it is only the university legal advisor with the highest number having made it to his tenth birthday in life! He’s not ten years old though. Haha, two were having their sixth and the rest were all making it to 5 birthdays in life.
The students were so grateful for having decided to celebrate their life and really extended their heartfelt appreciation to not only the University as a whole but also the VC and his PRO Madam Angela Nyakato for all the effort she put in to look for all the leapers around campus.
Indeed such rare people deserve a treat like this. From us here at Campus Bee, we wish every leaper across the world a belated happy birthday.
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