The management of Metropolitan International University (MIU) has offered 30 scholarships for primary and secondary teachers to attain degrees in the field of education.
These scholarships were advocated for by a one Amanya Gibson, a political analyst based in Kamwenge district with an aim of increasing the number of teachers with degree qualifications.
‘’As per the Ministry of Education, a teacher conducts a class session. All students enrolling in Uganda to train as teachers effective 2021/2022 academic year will study for four years instead of three years. It’s on this precedent that I found out it will be of insurmountable for me to lobby these full bursaries, which will unequivocally close the gap of vulnerable teachers who are less paid and unable to upgrade in their manifold teaching programs,’’ Amanya told Campus Bee.
In a letter to Amanya dated 10th March 2022, the Academic Registrar of MIU revealed that each of the beneficiary will get a 100% tuition waiver for the entire period of the study.
‘’Receive warm greetings from the management of Metropolitan International University for the support so far exhibited in the higher education student sponsorship cause. Mindful of the University education funding gap and the National Teachers’ policy, under the auspices of the university council and its management. MIU is privileged to offer you a full bursary scheme of undergraduate degree programmes for April/May 2022 intake,’’ the letter reads in parts.
According to MIU the suitable candidates will undertake either a Bachelor’s in Secondary Education or a Diploma in Primary Education.

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