On 23rd September 2022, Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST) organized its maiden agricultural innovations exhibition at its town campus in Mbarara city.
The exhibition was organized by the Faculty of Interdisciplinary Studies (FIS) in conjunction with the Centre for Innovations and Technology Transfer (CITT) under the theme; ‘’Higher Technical Education in Africa for an innovative and skilled labor force towards Agriculture transformation’.’
The chief guest at the expo was Hon. Frank Tumwebaze the Minister for Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries, and other dignitaries which included Hon. Robert Kakyebezi Mayor for Mbarara city, Robert Kanusu – Deputy RCC in charge of Mbarara city North division.

During the expo, students pursuing Bachelor’s in Agricultural Livelihoods and Farm Production at MUST exhibited self-made agricultural products and were joined by external exhibitors from Bishop Stuart University, Mbarara City Traders’ Association, and farming groups from Mbarara and the neighboring districts.

While introducing the exhibitors, the expo’s mastermind, Dr. Medard Twinamatsiko who is also the director for CITT hinted at the role of agricultural exhibitions as a platform where several agriculturalists showcase what they have ad be able to learn new methods and skills that can increase their farming yields. He also briefed the Minister and the gathering about the uniqueness of the agriculture program offered at MUST.
‘’This program was started out in 2015 after carrying out an assessment in southwestern Uganda on the agricultural sector. Its curriculum was designed in a way that allows students to work with communities through a program called the Students Community Twinning Project (STP).

In STP, students work with selected communities for a period of one full year to identify agricultural challenges and are able to come up with solutions in form of projects. This has resulted in the development of these communities. Our students are able to learn the real agriculture outside the lecture rooms. Through this wonderful programme, we were able to develop an organic fertilizer i-soft which is friendly to the environment and affordable to all farmers,’’ Dr. Twinamatsiko explained.
FIS Dean Dr. Rogers Bariyo requested Hon. Tumwebaze and his Ministry to aid them in acquiring machines such as tractors and an Agriculture laboratory that are needed by students in study practicals. This will reduce on the transport costs associated with students’ movements to modern agricultural labs in Kampala.

Professor Celestino Obua, MUST Vice-chancellor commended Hon. Tumwebaze for loving his University as an alumnus and also investing in his home area Mbarara. He revealed that FIS was transformed from the faculty of development studies under the guidance of President Yoweri Museveni to produce problem solvers and job creators. He pledged full support towards the sustainability of FIS projects.
Later on, Hon. Frank Tumwebaze launched a locally produced organic fertilizer made by a team led by Dr. Medard Twinamatsiko and directed the National Agricultural Research Organization (NARO) to work with MUST to ensure that the fertilizer is fully authorized to be on the market for other farmers in the country to use.

In response to the requests submitted by Dr. Bariyo, Hon. Tumwebaze assured to offer a 90- Horsepower tractor to the FIS Agriculture department to support them with mechanization needs. About the Agriculture laboratory, he explained that it will be integrated into one of the Ministry’s projects so that one can be based at MUST.
On behalf of the government, Hon. Tumwebaze declared that MUST shall receive any form of support it needs from them (the government) because it’s a public university that contributes to the country’s development.
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