Miss Uganda and Miss World Africa Quiin Abenakyo miraculously graduated from Makerere University during the 69th graduation ceremony last Thursday with two retakes, Campus Bee has learned.
On Thursday 17th January 2019, Abenakyo sauntered into Freedom Square at the graduation grounds with the Vice Chancellor, Prof Nawangwe and Makerere University Business School (MUBS) Principal, Prof Wasswa Balunywa-accorded special recognition.
Prior to that, she’d had a “special” meeting with Prof Nawangwe.
Unlike other graduands who were already seated on white plastic chairs branded with their names, Abenakyo, since her name was neither on the graduation list nor on graduation book, was given a “special seat” infront of other graduands.
Now, it has emerged that the Business Computing Student never qualified to graduate this year. An impeccable source at MUBS told Campus Bee on Monday that Abenakyo is still a student of the Nakawa based institute because she has to re-sit two papers. “Miss World Africa (Abenakyo) has two retakes here and she’s supposed to clear them this semester if she’s to graduate/or get her transcript. She graduated without even knowing her CGPA and that’s quite embarrassing for an institution as big as Makerere,” the source who spoke on condition of anonymity told this campus website.
Ironically, Abenakyo was asked to give a special award to the overall best student of the Makerere 69th graduation ceremony with a CGPA of 4.94, who happened to be her course mate.
It remains unclear if Abenakyo will go back to school to complete her studies after the “mock” graduation this year.
We shall surely keep you posted.