The Lubaga South Parliamentary seat is not the only thing former MP Ken Lukyamuzi lost this year. Mr Lukyamuzi has also succumbed to a mental defeat after he was kicked out of law school for having accumulated several retakes.
Ken Lukyamuzi accumulated so many retakes that he got a stay put in his second year. A stay put is where a student is denied from proceeding to the next academic year so that he can first finish retakes in previous academic years.

The now aging former legislator did not pay enough attention to his books during his time at Law school because he was busy in parliament and leading demonstrations. He was supposed to have graduated last year but he even requested for a dead year just to pursue cheap politics.
Apparently he was so uninformed of events at Law school that he would realise that some exams were ‘open book’ just a few minutes to the beginning of the paper. Lukyamuzi would enter the exam with a brand new textbook which had its seal and new-book-scent. He started reading and highlighting from the exam instead of transferring what was highlighted to the paper. (A open book exam is where students are allowed to carry materials & books into an exam)
The former MP who is so sensitive at hiding his marks couldn’t hide some facts such as the first ‘stay-put’ he was given and his recent eviction from the “school of the elite”. He was known for passwording (protecting) his online results portal and only accessing his results from the Dean’s office which he always asked to remain shut. Unfortunately, the law professors don’t deal with incompetent students and dismiss students when they fail a paper three times. He now tells those in his camp that he is so busy for school and dropped out intentionally.
Some law students will notice that they will get fewer calls this examination period. And some will miss the expensive breakfast the former MP bought them when he called them for impromptu discussions hours or minutes to examinations.
One law student told the Campus Bee that law school is for not for jokers and the mentally weak. He added that it is absurd that politicians come to law school to attain ‘swag degrees’ but always leave disappointed. Anyway those are his words but we are all wondering what the former MP will venture into next.
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