A group of violent MUBS male students have terribly beaten a female student who was secretly recording them as they tore down posters of UYD candidate, Julius Ntende. The thumped girl (identity withheld) is a second year student pursuing a bachelor’s in International Business at the Nakawa based campus.
Our well-placed sources narrate that the student was on her way, walking towards Berlin Hall of residence when she noticed posters of DP’s candidate were being pilled off the walls. More information from our snoops reveals that a one Brandon from a rival camp was the clique leader in this activity.
After noticing this cruel act, this concerned student decided to record these guys as they removed the posters, little did she know that she is soon being noticed. The group later approached and asked her to delete the video something she declined to comply with.
It is said that these male students later started beating her seriously as they questioned her whether she is a journalist after she deliberately refused to delete the video.
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