Patience Kevin is a final year student at Makerere University Business School (MUBS) and she is pursuing a Diploma in Accounting & Finance.
Patience is fended for by a single mother and before the Covid-19 pandemic broke-out, her mother was the one paying her tuition and making all ends meet.
However, the mother is a teacher by profession and owing to the Government directive to close all schools as a means of mitigating the spread of the deadly virus, Patience’s mother stopped working and she was, rather unfortunately, subsequently laid off.
In light of the foregoing developments, Patience has been unable to meet her tuition requirements and yet examinations at MUBS are fast approaching.
Accordingly, she has had a tuition load of UGX 2.2 M accumulate and if this is not cleared, she will not be permitted to sit her examinations and this means that she will not be able to graduate. Its in this regard that she recently undertook a social media campaign to reach out and implore good Samaritans to come to her rescue.
The past two years have been particularly difficult for all of us, in one way or the other. The brunt of the pandemic has been and is still being felt by many people globally. However, the trying nature of the times should never extinguish the spirit that unites us, Ubuntu.
Our contributions, however slight they might look in our individual eyes, they can make a profound difference and are bound to go a long way in keeping Patience Kevin in School.
For more information and support, please contact the numbers below;
- 0705450605 – Catherine Apolot
- 0780509221- Catherine Apolot
“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me’.” – Matthew 25:40

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