Our reporter

DP’s Kagutema Zake splashed a lot of money during the recently concluded Mubs campaigns. He bought mirrors and placed them in halls around campus with Berlin Hall getting the highest number of mirrors. Little did we know that this chap, who lost the race to FDC’s Yoram Banyenzaki chocking with debts. He literally roamed around all corners to get money to splash during campaigns. Consequently, his campaign team got a convoy of posh cars including a Range Rover. We have been hit with news that Kagutema’s Range Rover is being confiscated by the creditors. “The tyres of the car have been confiscated and the creditors promised to take matters to court if Kagutema doesn’t clear his dues,” a student privy to the latter told this reporter. We hope Kagutema fully clears his dues before the matter gets out of hand.
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