Grace Nabwami, a former student of Makerere University Business School (MUBS), was forced to discontinue studies after a policeman shot her in the neck in November 20, 2013. Two years later, Nabwami has decided to drag government to the High Court seeking for Shs200m compensation.
The student claims a stray bullet that was discharged by a policeman who was chasing knife-wielding rouge that was threatening to stab everyone in sight, hit her inflicting a life threatening wound on her neck and the throat.
While Kabalagala police station administration admitted liability for the action of their cop’s mistake, Nabwami agonizes that neither police nor government helped her to receive treatment or have ever compensated her in anyway for the life threatening injuries she suffered in the accident.
Following the shooting, Nabwami states that she was admitted at Nsambya hospital where she was operated on forcing her to discontinue her university studies thereby dimming her future. Accordingly, Nabwami has now filed a lawsuit at the High Court’s civil division seeking compensation arising out of the life threatening injuries that were inflicted on her by a policeman in the employment of government.
Nabwami filed her lawsuit through city attorneys of Birungi and Company Advocates. On receipt of the lawsuit, the court’s registrar Thaddeus Opisen sent out summons to the attorney general giving him 15 days to prepare the government’s defense.