The Mbarara University of Science and Technology community is in mourning following the untimely death of Rukia Abura, a third-year student in the Department of Anesthesia within the Faculty of Medicine.
The somber announcement was made by the Dean of Students, who confirmed that Abura was discovered lifeless at her place of residence on Wednesday afternoon. The news has cast a pall of sadness over the university campus, leaving students, faculty, and staff in shock.
Abura was pursuing her studies diligently in the Faculty of Medicine, exemplifying dedication and passion in her pursuit of a career in anesthesia. The circumstances surrounding her sudden demise remain unclear, and the university administration has not provided specific details about the incident.
As the Mbarara University community grapples with the loss of a promising student, the Dean of Students expressed condolences, stating, “RIP our Student, Colleague, and Friend.” The university plans to communicate burial arrangements at a later time, allowing the community to come together to mourn and pay their respects.
We shall keep you posted.