An average senior six vacist would do nothing but sleep, WhatsApp, snapchat and tweet every single day of their lives, but a group of Nabisunsa Girls’ School senior six vacists are far from that. Under their umbrella group christened “Katochi Poets,” these teenagers will on Friday, January 29 hold a charity poetry session at Uganda Museum.
Katochi Poets is a collection of teenagers currently in S.6 vacation from diverse backgrounds who love to express themselves through music, dance and poetry. “As a group, we decided to put up a concert to show the real personality above facade of a Ugandan teenager which we defined as “Real.True.Undefined.Undefined.” because each and every one of us are trying to find ourselves.” Thubra Nakade, one of the rhymers told CampusBee.
The show will also have poets give opinions on various subjects such as social life, politics, love and culture.
“We do poetry for a social cause and people should come and contribute to the betterment of society,” she added.
Part of the proceeds will go to the Sickle cell Clinic of Mulago Hospital. Entrance is just 10K so show up and show some love to these philanthropists.
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