After lengthy outcries by the public to have the Nation’s sports’ department financed a little bit more and better than below average, one could say the National Council of Sports (N.C.S) is progressively trying to achieve or realize this goal as seen from their recent budget developments in as far as Sports both at University level and country level are concerned.
While addressing the press, Mr. Patrick Ogwel, the General Secretary of the National Council of Sports did hint on the fact that the state spent 13.1 Billion Shillings on sports in the previous financial year however this could double to 34 Billion in the next financial year as a cure for the underfunded sports department in Uganda.
Key to note is the fact that the National Council of Sports directed a total sum of 556,083,065 shs. to the Association of Uganda University Sports (A.U.U.S) for the financial year 2017-2018.
Mr. Ogwel further cited the recent victories of the nation in the World University Championship which was actually funded by the state and pledged to have more support derived by the University sports’ association from the National Council of Sports.
In all this, we do hope that these financial resources will be fully availed to the Association of Uganda University Sports (A.U.U.S.) and further utilized to better University sports.