Following the Minister of Education and Sports’ hypocritical directive on E-learning considering the fact that they had initially halted Uganda Christian University (UCU) but are now supporting it, Ndejje University management has like all other higher learning institutions (Kampala Parents School one-side) established an electronic learning portal aimed at ensuring that their essential students aka finalists conclude their long awaited years of study and set sail to the next courses of their lives (unemployment)
Speaking to an inside source who for political reasons will for now remain anonymous untill the official declaration is made, the university top management had been tabling and postponing the launch of their already established system in fear of enduring the same scandalous fate as their sister university (won’t mention it) but all i can say is that it’s headed by Rev. John Musisi Senyonyi.
Final touches to the launch are tabled for discussion in a top management meeting scheduled for Monday 6th July 2020 and feedback will then be passed on to the Hive concerning the exact date of release, student access and the fate of the would be non- essential workers also known as lecturers.