Kampala International University (KIU) and Uganda Christian University (UCU) have climbed up in the latest rankings of Top Universities by country theme (Uganda) as unveiled by uniRank, beating Kyambogo and Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST).
As has been in the previous rankings over the decades, Makerere University still sits at the number one (1) spot putting KIU second and UCU in third place in this year’s standings.
Mbarara University comes in fourth (4th) place followed by Kyambogo University in 5th. This has not been the case in a series of previous rankings by uniRank.
uniRank aims at providing a non-academic league table of the top Ugandan universities based on valid, unbiased, and non-influenceable web metrics provided by independent web intelligence sources rather than data submitted by the universities themselves.
The criteria followed for ranking include; a university being licensed or accredited by an appropriate higher education related organization.
Others are; offering at least three-year bachelor’s degrees or postgraduate master’s or doctoral degrees, as well as delivering predominantly in a traditional, non-distance education format.
The overall trailing universities in the list, at large, include Valley University of Science and Technology, Ankole University and Kayiwa International University.
Whereas African Bible University, Mityana Agro-Vet Institute, Nsaka University & Busoga University are included on the rankings list, they are marked ‘unranked’
Check out the full rankings (Uganda) below:
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