A total of 620 graduands have today graduated during Cavendish University’s 10th graduation ceremony that was held virtually following the outbreak of COVID-19. A few graduands were however invited to attend the ceremony physically at Speke Resort, Munyoyo.
The ceremony also doubled as the installation event for Cavendish’s new Chancellor, Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, the former President of Nigeria.
While speaking at the event, the university’s Vice-Chancellor, Prof. John F. Mugisha congratulated the graduands before urging them to stop short term thinking. Mugisha also revealed that Cavendish is the first University to introduce online-based exams in Uganda.
“Today Cavendish University is sending out 620 graduands to the world, the only University in Uganda doing this as of now…the most dangerous enemy to progress is short-term thinking. Think for the future.” Mugisha advised the graduands.

“To the graduands, you have to think and act faster than the generation that came before you. You have to run where the generation before you walked.” He said before adding that “Never celebrate good results when you cheated and never celebrate a promotion at work when you bribed your way up.”
Mugisha further revealed that the purpose of holding a virtual graduation is to enable well deserved graduands to graduate, get jobs and contribute to society.
In his speech, HE.Goodluck Ebele Jonathan revealed that being a Chancellor for Cavendish University is new for him before revealing how excited he is to walk through the footsteps of great African leaders like Benjamin Mukapa and Kenneth Kaunda.
“Being chose to be the Chancellor of Cavendish University is a new thing to me, but I am glad that I have to keep the legacy of my predecessor Kenneth Kaunda living on.” Goodluck said.
“I want to thank the university council for choosing me to walk in the footsteps of some great African leaders like Benjamin Mukapa and Kenneth Kaunda.” He added.
According to Goodluck, Cavendish University students need social and economic skills to strive
While addressing the graduands, John Chrysestom Muyingo, the Minister of Higher Education agreed that COVID-19 has affected the way things are done worldwide before hailing the university for conducting online lectures.
Muyingo represented President Museveni, who was the official Guest of Honor for Cavendish’s 10th graduation ceremony.
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