Students of Makerere University from different faculties are currently voting for their next guild regime at their respective schools. The elections kicked off at 9am in most parts of the university, however, the students’ turn was still low by press time.
Voters are required to present their university identity cards, and those who don’t have are allowed to vote using the bio data system. Other students with last year’s examination permits have also been granted a chance to vote.

While commenting about the current situation, Tukwasibwe Felix, a Makerere University student told Campus Bee that he has faith in the current electoral commission despite few cases of violence that left some students injured.
“During the campaigns, everything and the process was smoothly well, it was too diplomatic. One candidate got into some issues I think he was attacked or something like that. But besides that everything moved well. I’m from electing my guild president and I wish all the best.” Tukwasibwe said shortly after voting.
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