MUST held its 22nd graduation ceremony on Saturday 30th January 2016 at the university’s Kihumuro Campus. The function was presided over by the university’s chancellor Prof. Peter N. Mugyenyi.
The graduation ceremony, the second consecutive one at Kihumuro, saw 7 PhDs, over 60 Masters and over 900 Bachelors’ degrees being conferred upon the graduands of the day by the university chancellor.
In his address, the university chancellor urged the new graduates to develop a sense of entrepenuership in the face of the ever decreasing formal employment opportunities.
The Vice Chancellor, Prof. Celestiono Obua, provided the congregation with a report of the ongoing activities at the university; Prof. Obua emphasised the need for the upscaling of the universtiy’s research capabilities. He also introduced a wide range of new officers who are part of the university’s management team.
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