Uganda Christian University has elected Racheal Mirembe Sserwadda as its 24th guild president.
Provisional results from Nkoyoyo hall where results were tallied from indicated that Racheal Sserwadda won her competitor Ayebare Philip Bravo making her the 24th guild president elect at UCU. Racheal Mirembe will takeover office from Kenneth Agaba Amponda UCU’s 23rd guild president.
Racheal Mirembe was elected into the guild office basing on her 5 point program manifesto that constitutes reforms on health, education, security, accountability and formidable leadership.
Mirembe’s victory posses a question of whether female leadership is now the way forward for Uganda’s higher institutions of learning. Recently Makerere university elected NUP’s Shamim Nambassa as the institution’s 87th guild president after years without having a female guild president.