Since the lock down came into effect because of the COVID-19 global pandemic one of the major outcries for many stake-holders in the sexual reproductive health services sector has been that people are having a hard time accessing reproductive health services like condoms, contraceptives, HIV test kits, etc. Their outcries were that the population might explode due to the lock down and sexually transmitted diseases and infections might also increase.
The good news is that today, SafeBoda and the United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) have launched a ‘Personal Health Shop’ available on the SafeBoda app. The shop allows users in Kampala and Wakiso to order condoms, contraceptives, HIV test kits, Mama kits and pregnancy kits conveniently during the pandemic.
“For UNFPA, delivering a package of integrated sexual and reproductive health services is critical, more so during the COVID-19 pandemic. We have had to rethink and become more innovative in reaching young people and women with sexual and reproductive health-related information and services.” Mr Alain Sibenaler, the UNFPA Representative said.
SafeBoda has already been making deliveries of groceries, food from restaurants and also other essentials that their customers may have hard time accessing during the lock down. the Personal Heath Shop option now joins the list of deliverable items and customers can also pay for the products using the SafeBoda credit which they load on their phones using mobile money. Once an order is placed, a pharmacy within a seven kilometre radius is identified and linked to the nearest SafeBoda driver who then delivers the ordered item to the customer.
This is being done to ensure that people continue to have access to the reproductive health commodities that they had access to even before the lock down to curb down on any risks that might arise due to limited or lack of access to these sexual reproductive commodities. In addition to all this, the deliveries will be made free of charge and also the free government condoms will be accessed by customers on the app. In the event that the pandemic is done, this option will still be available but customers will have to pay a delivery fee.
Do not be stranded, use the SafeBoda app to not only get some food but also some reproductive health commodities where need to be to also protect your health. Stay home ad stay safe!
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